
paul-bromham avatar image
paul-bromham asked

Quattro 48v 15000va 200a powering a rack mounted HP UPS

Hi, I have ownership of a pre-assembled power delivery system (trailer) with built in diesel generator and solar array, running through a Quattro 48v 1500va 200a charger inverter and bank of 6x 51.2v 100ah lithium batteries. We require a single phase 230v ac output to power some electronic equipment one of which is a HPE rack mounted UPS system.

My issue is this, when the UPS is running on batteries alone the UPS works as expected, but when the generator is running the UPS doesnt like the input and every few seconds switches to internal batteries, which slowly drains the UPS batteries and powers off the equipment connected to it.

My question is this, when the generator is running, does it directly send power to my UPS or does it go through the Quattro somehow and then is the output of the quattro tuneable to give a cleaner AC output signal?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerups
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1 Answer
sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

It's likely configured so that when the generator is running its output is used to charge the Quattro system, in which case it will also appear unchanged on its AC Out terminals, and be feeding your UPS. Either way the Quattro is in this situation not able to help.

Perhaps the UPS has (like the Quattro) internal software settings that can be changed so it is more tolerant of poor quality mains input. Or you could feed the equipment directly from the Quattro, why would you need two different sets of battery backup in series?

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