
jeroen-es avatar image
jeroen-es asked

AC loads given not correct on ekrano

Hi everybody ,

I have a Multiplus 2 and an Ekrano and an energy meter, an Energy Meter ET112, which measures when the generator is running how much kWh it has supplied when the generator is running, the role that is set to "generator" on the Ekrano for this has now fallen. Today I noticed that he now adds the power supplied by the generator to the AC loads, so the generator supplies 1200W, then the AC loads are also 1200W, for example, I turn on the water boiler at 1000W, the AC loads become 2200W, now I have changed his role to " energy meter" then it is correct again and the power supplied by the generator is only shown at the input and no longer at the AC load. Could this be due to the latest firmware update 3.31 in the Ekrano or the latest in the Multiplus? Because it has always worked fine and was set as a Role "generator" and now it doesn't anymore...... Seems like a "bug" in the firmware to me.

Multiplus-IIEnergy Meterekrano gx
2 |3000

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
If you think it is a bug then mention the firmware being run.
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jeroen-es avatar image jeroen-es Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I update always if available , as I said I have all the latest firmware .

Ekrano venus OS 3,31

Multiplus 2 v510

Because the fact that the generator not run very often , it's difficult to say in which firmware the changes has been made , Multiplus or Ekrano ..... that's the point .

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