
Sébastien Oggier avatar image
Sébastien Oggier asked

Read data using Modbus TCP, state of charge stay at 0

I use a MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-48 with a SmartShunt 500A. I read the process values using a PLC S7 Siemens trough Modbus TCP. All the process value are up to date, only the state of charge stay at 0%.
1715667388197.png1715667755841.pngWhat is the problem? Is a special configuration needed?

Multiplus-IIModbus TCP
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·

I'm not sure why it's 0 for vebus but you could try checking the other soc registers:

com.victronenergy.battery Address: 266,

com.victronenergy.multi Address: 4529,

com.victronenergy.system Address: 843,

Not sure if this will help if your question is just why is vebus showing as 0. but might help if you just want the value.

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2 Answers
lifeingalicia avatar image
lifeingalicia answered ·

Needs to read register 843 type unit16 (not integer) 0 - 100 value


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Sébastien Oggier avatar image
Sébastien Oggier answered ·

Thanks for the workaround.

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