
captgreg avatar image
captgreg asked

Can BP-100 remotely turn off 24/12-70 DC DC charger

I am adding a BP-100 to my 24v system which charges my 12v house bank with a 24/12-70 DC DC charger. I want the BP-100 to disconnect the DC DC charger when the voltage goes low on the 24v batteries. Will it do this like I'm thinking? If so, what pin on the BP-100 do I connect to what pin on the DC DC charger? It's not clear in the instructions.

Battery Protect
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1 Answer
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

You mean, you have the Orion 24/12-70?

What Do you not understand?

In the Manual of the Orion it is written:

4. Optional remote on/off: replace the wire bridge on
the green connector by a switch (switched current is
less than 100 mA), or remove the wire bridge and
connect the right-hand terminal of the green connector
to the 24 V supply with a switch (this could for example
be an engine run/stop switch).

Hence you take the POSITIVE output of the BP-100 and connect it to the GREEN terminal where the LEFT is the POSITIVE 24V and the RIGHT is the SIGNAL.


Connect the SIGNAL to the output of the BP-100.

You have NOT to cut the 24V power Input of the Orion 24/12-70.

orion-2412-70.jpg (104.0 KiB)
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