
engmarc avatar image
engmarc asked

24v charger connection to Quattro battery terminals

So, working on installing my

Quattro 24/5000/120-100/100 120V VE.Bus

and am wondering why I shouldn't connect the 24v alternator charger to the same battery cables going to the quattro?

My basic understanding is if there is a positive current differential and potential (voltage) then the current will flow into the batteries or the Quattro depending on load demand. If there isn't any interest current/potential from the charger circuit, then the Quattro will draw from the battery.

It's really a matter of where the physical connection for the charging connection is made so was wondering if to save cable length it could be at the connection post of the Quattro?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerMPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

The if you connect the charger to the Quattro, then you have a voltage drop between the Inverter and the Battery and the charger will not work correctly.

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engmarc avatar image
engmarc answered ·

True if the distance between the Quattro and the battery is significant or the cable undersized.

Just curious about the pro's and con's - I had thought about the delta V across the Quattro and Battery post. I'm only dealing with 3-5 feet so not sure how quantifiable it will be but may take some measurements before connecting up the charger.

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