
vuca-maven avatar image
vuca-maven asked

What may be possible causes of a power reset?

My Victron configuration consists of 12/3000/120 Multiplus (firmware 2609154.HEX), serial HQ1441J61EE, which is connected to the Cerbo GX, 3 MPPTs, and BMV-712 (all running the latest firmware). Since my boat sailed south (read: "entered areas where the sun is shining strongly all day long" :-), I have observed several resets (each day) of my 220V system during early afternoon hours (between noon and 4 pm) when the voltage on the batteries reaches 14.2V or similar. As best I can tell, these resets don't happen on more cloudy days, nor do they depend on any devices connected to the outlets. Based on the documentation, the MultiPlus should be able to handle up to 17V. Where, in your expert opinion, may lie the problem? FYI I am working on upgrading the firmware of the MultiPlus, but because of the technical requirements (MP2 cable, Windows computer, etc), it'll take some time to execute it. Can the obsolete firmware be the reason? Or should I also look elsewhere? TIA

battery system voltage
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vuca-maven avatar image vuca-maven commented ·
Ok, so far no suggestions... one of my suspects is the MultiPlus, which is on an old (original) version of firmware that has not yet been upgraded. Or may be it's gone bad? is there a way to check?
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

What do you mean by reset?

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vuca-maven avatar image vuca-maven commented ·
An interruption in 220V power supply, which gets restored within 1-2 seconds. Accompanied by a beep.
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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Also what battery type and if lithium connected BMS to cerbo or standalone.

Is there any chance you are getting over temperature shutdown, reading sunnier = hotter.

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vuca-maven avatar image vuca-maven commented ·
The battery banks are LiFePO4. Each has its own BMS, connected to Cerbo GX. The reset seems to be more correlated with the state of charge, than battery temperature.
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