
bobarvictron avatar image
bobarvictron asked

Cerbo dies, but works if power off/on???

The Cerbo is in our camper, used to turn on the inverter for a microwave. It sometimes JUST DIES (evidenced by a black unresponsive Touch50), but if we power it off (~30 seconds) and back on, it comes back to life. We installed a switch and this works every time. The Cerbo works 99% of the time but this is annoying. Fuse is fine, Lithium batteries fine, connections fine. No explanation coming from Victron. I'll do another firmware update but won't know if this helps until our next trip. Ideas? Have you had this problem?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


There was a gui issue for some units on one of the firmwares released. So try an update and let us know if that sorts it or not.

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