
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack asked

Scheduled Feed-In from easy Table

Hello *,

I am working on an experimental Feed-In project for a customer and it should work as follow:

1) Maximum Feed-In (e.G. 8,2kW) is known

2) Maximum Feed-In From MultiPlus-II/QUattro-II is known

3) Battery Capacity is known

4) Battery Minimal Capacity is set and known

5) Solar charging power is more or less known (In Estonia never trust the weather forecast)

6) The IntranetServer download via the Nordpol API the Energy prices for the next 24 hours and put it into a TimeTable

7) The IntranetServer download the expected weather forecast and put it into a TimeTable

8) User can log into Web-Interface and set for each hour the amount of Ah/kW s/z/he want to export

9) The IntranetServer does its job with the GX device and probably with NodeRed

Does such thing already exist?

It is a setup for an Enterprise with non-regular WorkSpace hours.

The Euipment are 6 Victron MultiPlus-II 48/5000 (the bigger models where in this time not certified in Estonia for Grid/Feed-In connection) in 3-Phase config, CerboGX, Kostal 10kW (I think) Inverter, 4 SmartSolar MPPT 150/100-Tr VE-Can (the 250V version did not exist in this time and each has 15 solar panels 410Wp 3s5p), SoPZS Batteries 48V with roughly 2150Ah, 6 BatteryBalancer (each 2 parallel).

web interfacescheduled feed-in
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1 Answer
Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Yes. In you can do all these points.

Point 8 you can do in module 'Discharge Plan'

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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack commented ·


Up to 100kWh battery (about 23,26EUR/month or 232,56EUR/year)

This is roughly 50% of what he can earn with his system...

...and the Software is already too complex!

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Peter avatar image Peter Michelle Konzack commented ·

Honestly, I find it hard to believe.

I have 25kWh and during year I earned 2276EUR.

If you earn only 500EUR per year on 100kWh I think you will never earn money for the equipment you buy. :-)

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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack Peter commented ·
I do not know where you live, but we get in Estonia 0-10 Euro-Cent per kWh accordenly to Nordpol) and 500€ @0,05€/kWh is only 10MWh. With a little bit optimisationit is possible to double, but not more.

We have roughly 1200 Solarhour here, mean with 36kWp you can not get more then 43,2MWh (thats the theory) a year but in real it is more or less 32MWh.

He is lucky if he can sell back 10MWh a year.

He already switched for the summer to Bourse-Price but it is still worse.

If he want to ZERO the energy bill in Estonia, he need around 5-6 times more solar power as his consumption, hence with 22MWh consumption, he would need to install at least 100kWp, hence a huge solarpower plant for an enterprise with 4 Employes.

Since he see himself the SOC from the Batteries and know when he is in the Workspace, he wanted to select simply manually when he push the 8,2kW (was an ole GTI and now he wait for his 15kW or more approval) allowed into the Grid. He can not even kill his Batteries with 8,2kW an hour.

What he want is to charge the batteries at daytime, work in his workspace and then mostly at night or in the morning push some hours the 8,2kW and hour into the Grid and all manually, because the software does not know, WHEN he is in his Workspace...

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