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dognose asked

3x Multiplus + 2 MPPT - DC Cable match?


I'm about to wire my system and read the wiring guide as well as various threads about it. One thing that is a bit unclear to me is the following:

The inverters will be running in a 3 Phase-System, so their DC-Cable length won't require to match. (it could be 1.3m, 1.1m, 0.9m with my layout) - MPPTs should use equal length and diameter to provide the same charge-current to the batteries also connected with equal lengths and diameters.

I'm having another 8 kWp Solar, which I leave AC-coupled for the beginning. So, the Multiplus will act as charger as well. How is the wiring constraint in this case? Should the 3 Multiplus now use the same length and should this length now also match the MPPTs, as it's 5 chargers so to say? Or does the wiring for the Multiplus' still not matter?



Multiplus-IIMPPT Controllerswiring
2 |3000

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