
alaskannoob avatar image
alaskannoob asked

Victron Autotransformer at risk during solar storms?

I'm off grid and I've got a 100A Autotransformer 650' downstream of a Quattro 15KVA and with all the talk of G5 solar storming and such, I'm wondering if my transformer could be at risk like is discussed recently for the power grid.

So far my gut feeling is that it's not because:

a) my line is only 650 feet which would mean possibly 4V of DC could be generated on it from the storm

b) even if this was enough to saturate the coils of the generator, the max power that could come from the Quattro can be handled by the transformer

c) the Victron transformer would shut off if temperature got too high


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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@AlaskanNoob Oddly enough I watched this video last week. Good timing?

Though about your PV array and mppt's?

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·

I watched the time stamp in your link but didn't see how it relates to my Victron Autotransformer. Will watch the rest though, it looks interesting.

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