
wiking avatar image
wiking asked

Cerbo-S GX supplied with temp sensor, but where does it connect?

Hi, recently purchased a Cerbo-S GX device, which came with a temp sensor. However unlike the normal Cerbo-GX device, there is no labels on the port blocks of the Cerbo-S to connect a temp sensor? What am I missing?

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The Cerbo-S doesn't have temperature inputs, see datasheet:

The shouldn't be a senor in the box of the Cerbo-S, can you make a picture of that sensor?
Are you sure that sensor wasn't part of another device like a MultiPlus?

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wiking avatar image wiking commented ·

Thats a good point, I bought Cerbo-S GX and Multiplus 48/5000 at the same time. So, I can hook the temp sensor to the Multiplus?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ wiking commented ·
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wiking avatar image
wiking answered ·

thanks for clearing that up ))

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