
entertimkari avatar image
entertimkari asked

iPhone won’t connect to SmartShunt

Hi there,

Just trying to help my dad connect his iPhone 14 to his SmartShunt. When opening the VictronConnect app a message No devices found is listed. Bluetooth is on and permissions are granted.

However, when I use my own iPhone 14 Pro the device shows up immediately on the app.

We are both using the same app and iOS version.

Does anybody have any solutions to this problem? I’ve tried everything including resetting factory network settings.

Thank you so much in advance.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Confirm it was not paired using the OS side of the phone?

Check under paired devices under settings.

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2 Answers
entertimkari avatar image
entertimkari answered ·

On my phone (the working phone), it has this in permissions, whereas my dad’s phone, it does not have the Bluetooth option, but I cannot find any other option or permission to tick. img-9954.png

img-9954.png (139.0 KiB)
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entertimkari avatar image
entertimkari answered ·

Hi thanks for replying. Yes I was careful not to connect at all on my own personal phone as I believe you cannot pair more than one device.

Cheers again for your message :)

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