
kristufer avatar image
kristufer asked

Seelevel sensors cannot be renamed

I recently added the seelevel system to my cerbo. I am unable to rename the tank sensors. They come up as tank 0, tank 1 & tank 2. How can I go about giving a custom name to my sensors?

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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

If you are transferring the seeLevel info to the Cerbo via RV-C or NMEA then you can not rename them in the Cerbo. Victron may change this in future firmware.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

SeeLevel systems nave no custom tank names. Either an N2K or RV-C connection won't provide a namable tank in the GX device. In addition, no tank capacity is provided over RV-C.

There have been other discussions on this topic and those of us using SeeLevel hope that Victron provides a custom name and tank capacity internally when nothing is available from the sender.

Interestingly Mopeka level sensors do have name and capacity settable in the GX device.

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