
andrii-podanenko avatar image
andrii-podanenko asked

[Feature Request] Dynamic ESS Node RED/anything in/out/middleware API

Good day.

Long story short:

We need to send data(prices) from different datasets into DESS day ahead prices input.


Perfect case scenario, if in Node-red there would be input (data flow from entsoe ) and output node which feeds data from input to DESS

Case - in Ukraine we need to rely on entsoe data when electricity import actually happens and internal static prices, when not.

Entsoe has this information from different data streams also day ahead.

Also later, we are going to incorporate API to avoid usage of electricity grid during air alerts, because it could cause damage of input devices due to electricity unpredictable voltage.

We also having data from electricity providers which are sharing hours, when everyone must reduce usage, which also will be incorporated in DESS if we have ability to do so.

Thank you

PS. Current state of DESS for Ukraine - check here

dynamic ess
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andrii-podanenko avatar image andrii-podanenko commented ·

Ok, so current state of my investigationI'm still using UA-IPS in my DESS r&d setup(MultiPlus-II), which provides me prices, which drive DESS logic to buy during low prices and to sell during high pricesUnfortunately - ENTSO-E is not a relevant source for current schedules accross the country

Attached image of one of the operators FYI

They are using round robin principle to do fair share of the grid across different group of users in order to eliminate social hate )That said, ENTSO-E works great for my r&d household. I use them to charge during excess of the solar in source MultiRS ( MultiPlus-II use electricity from MultiRS setup), just because ENTSO-E almost mirrors my own household usage. But it is not relevant to the country issue.

It will take time for the operators to create APIs and share with community

Currently manual process, if there is a need to follow grid planned disconnects - every day to obtain hours from chatbots of the operators and put those hours to Static prices table of DESS. Slightly cumbersome, but no other options just yet.In my case, where I'm offgrid, because of having plenty of solar and large battery banks - I'm more looking at using past 4 weeks of Consumption of my own family as a source to build ENTSO-E style of daily price table, where "high buy price" is basically lack of solar + lowest battery SOC on MultiRS, low price - excess of solar + night, where we still have 50% tariff from grid and usually less planned disconnects

I assume I need to build this based on

4 Mondays - Average => prices

4 Tuesdays - Average => prices


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1 Answer
Peter avatar image
Peter answered ·

Send email to me: I will help you. :-)

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