
John McGee avatar image
John McGee asked

need advice for cable and fuse sizing.

I have

Victron Multiplus 12-3000-120
3 Victron Lithium Accu 12,8V/200Ah - Smart
Cerbo GX.

The cable distance from the Multiplus to the Accu buss bar is 4M90 max. What gauge of cable and what size fuse should I use for the Multiplus to the bus bar?
Should I put 1 set of cables (positive and neutral) in or 2 set of cables?
Second question is what size cable and fuse from battery to bus bar length of cable max 1M but more likely 50 CM.

Thanks for your help.

smart lithiummultplus
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi follow the instructions in the manual

And you many want to take a look at

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@John McGee

Each of those components has a manual with recommendations for wiring and fuse sizes.

Multiplus 12 3000 120v. See page 8 printed edition.

Use the bigger recommended cable for the longer runs that you have.

Do yourself a favour and dont daisy chain the batteries.

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John McGee avatar image John McGee commented ·
found info on Multiplus. But no info on what size fuses and gauge of wire for the batteries. batteries will be all run in parallel to the bus bar

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