The application is - I have a 5th wheel trailer, and I have added 380 Ah of lead acid batteries (weight isn't really a concern). 400 amps of solar, and a Smartsolar MPPT 150/35
What is a concern is, I will attach my 7 pin trailer wiring, and it will begin to charge the trailer batteries off of the 10 gauge wire that goes through the wiring harness, and I assume, governed by a 25 amp or so fuse. I suspect this load will blow a fuse if my batteries are low, since that wiring isn't intended to manage the level of load I would put on it.
I don't need fast charging - we drive for hours. The truck alternator is a 120 Amp, and I also don't want to put a heavy load on it.
So… is there a device that will limit the draw so I can essentially cause my batteries to charge slower, say at a max of 20 amps, or even 10, and not worry about overloading my vehicle.