So the XS finally arrived last week and I connected it. Not using the smart alternator engine start detect, because I have a real D+ at this location. All seems to work well, but I have a few questions and remarks
Also, someone here warned that the PIN is no longer 000000 and written on a sticker *on the back*, so I remembered to write that down *before* mounting the device. Just repeating that helpful tip here.
Anyway, I noticed it went into equalization upon the first "completion", rather then direct to float.
I had selected the same battery preset I had previously set and stored as preset for my SmartSolar, (a simple 95Ah FLA). That did have a equalization voltage, becuase I copied one of the Victron ones, but in the smart solar the equalization was turned off.
Why is it on for the Orion XS. And how can I turn it off?
While in the SmartSolar, I seem to be able to turn it on and off, the Orion does not seem to have that.
Even if it is sometimes important to equalize, I feel I best would do it in early spring (colder battery, less gassing) and also, I best do it based on solar. So there is a better chance the cycle completes. Going into such cycle based on Orion means I am forced to keep the engine running for an hour.
For now as workaround, I simply put 13.8V, so equalize and float are essentially the same. And indeed, after a minute or so in Equalize, it progresses to float.
Image 1: The settings in SmartMPPT 100/75, *with* the option to disable
Image 2: The settings in Orion XS, *without* such option