
Enrico avatar image
Enrico asked

Dynamic ESS parameters for Pylontech batteries


I am going through the dynamic ess settings in VRM in preparation for the end of my current energy contract. I just haven’t got a clue to what I need to configure for max battery charge/discharge power/rate. I’ve been searching the community and also the Pylontech manual but can’t figure it out! Perhaps I’m too dumb ;)

I have 4x US3000c’s so 14KWh of battery storage, currently running in a 3-phase ESS system.

can someone provide me with the correct numbers?


Enrico Klein

Pylontechdynamic ess
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Enrico avatar image
Enrico answered ·

Thanks to the explanation in the below video from Harold Halewijn I now understand that these parameters reflect the sum of the KWh your Multiplus can handle.

2 |3000

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