
roman-trnka avatar image
roman-trnka asked

Semi dynamic ESS?

I would very much appreciate a semi dynamic function which would bloc selling ebergy to grid if the actual price of energy is negative. The dynamic ESS should behave like that, but I am still not quite a happy with the algorithm. I prefer so far a standrad ESS (use as much solar as you can, fill the battery in and if there is still overproduction, sell it), but I donn't want to waste money to sell the energy when the price is negative. I usually switch Sell to Grid function off manualy, but when I forget, I am loosing money. Please add this function to a standard ESS.

Not sure - Admin please assign or create
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4 Answers
andrii-podanenko avatar image
andrii-podanenko answered ·

I put a highly rised price to specific hours when it DESS shoudn't be buying

and it follows the rule


hopefully this helps

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1714744156975.png (150.1 KiB)
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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @Roman Trnka

Just so i understand you just want to disable exporting when price is negative ie you're charged for exporting?

You could write something yourself in node red.

If you can get price data via an api then the code would be relatively simple.

Something like

if(inAbsorptionPhase && exporting && priceNegative){

//disable exporting in ESS settings;


//enable exporting;


I'm happy to help with some more detail if you choose to go this route.

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roman-trnka avatar image
roman-trnka answered ·

It looks like what I need. This function must be sheduled for each hour as the pricing is hourly based if I understand it well.

My idea was Victron could add this function as a standard because most of people with a dynamic pricing must solve similar problem.

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·
Ahh ok no worries. Shout if you want a hand implementing it if victron do not.
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Peter avatar image
Peter answered · has this function:


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