
barry-mitchell avatar image
barry-mitchell asked

Sync two 240 volt outputs from 24/3000 easy solar-ii

I have two separate 3000 watt invertors installed in separtate off grid homes approx 30 metres apart each with their own solar and batteries. We have some equipment (Desalination Plant) we need to run which might max out one invertor. Is it possible to connect the two 240 volt outputs together to double capacity? If so, how do I sync ?

multiple inverters
2 |3000

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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

I dont think thats possible, normally you would run them in parallel, but they need the same battery bank for that, and the same GX device

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barry-mitchell avatar image
barry-mitchell answered ·

I was hoping some form of synchronization might have been included in each invertor's GX device. You can use a Synchronizing relay to join two supplies of same voltage and frequency, so I can't see why it would not be possible to use that method two join the two outputs if Victron don't have a solution for it.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

That is not how a GX works. In a parallel set the inverters are ONE system, with a master inverter. Balance requires exact and careful connectivity of the cabling as impedance will drastically affect how the two work together.

That just won't work in your scenario.

There is more to this than you appreciate and it isn't worth the loss of warranty or a spontaneous magic smoke display, if it doesn't go as expected.

This has never been a supported configuration.

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barry-mitchell avatar image barry-mitchell nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks, I think I will give the idea a miss.
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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Only unsupported way you could maybe get this working, is feed the first easysolar output to the second on ac in (as if it is grid) and use power assist to get extra power

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2 |3000

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barry-mitchell avatar image barry-mitchell commented ·
Yes I read somewhere else that that might be an option, But I think I will just look at larger solar setup and double battery capacity. Thanks for your input.

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