I'm currently planing on switching my System to a DC-coupled PV, using MPPTs.
Due to the physical layout of the panels, it comes down to 4 bigger MPPTs - and 2 Panels
left over :-(
So, adding a MPPT 100 | 20-TR would be required. However that tiny tracker only ships with VE-Direct rather than VE-Can. Is it possible to use these in parallel? Are there any configuration drawbacks when doing so? (I.e. "When using one non-ve-can device, function XY cannot be used across all mppts")
Total setup would be the following, in case that makes a difference:
MPPT 100 | 20-TR ???
MPPT 150 | 70-TR VE.CAN
MPPT 250 | 70-TR VE.CAN
MPPT 250 | 70-TR VE.CAN
MPPT 250 | 85-TR VE.CAN