
geoaid avatar image
geoaid asked

Easysolar 2 GX is Cerbo a necessery

Hi to everybody, we are preparing a system with 8 x 565W solar panels and we are planning to do an offgrid system with Easysolar 2 GX and 2 BSL Lithium batteries 5,12kWh each.

Since the Easysolar is a GX device, is it possible to have all the necessary monitoring through a mobile phone and portal without using the Cerbo?

What are the functionallies we are loosing if we dont use a Cerbo GX device?

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Yes thats what a GX device is for, the cerbo has a higher ve direct device number, and some extra input connectivity

So no need for extra cerbo, vrm and mobile is all on the built in GX possible

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geoaid avatar image geoaid commented ·

Thank you very much!

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ geoaid commented ·
If you change your mind, to add a Cerbo means disabling the GX card in the EasySolar. The ready wired integration is great.

The functionality losses are

Lower number of connections

Basic screen (but the very nice Cerbo screen is an expensive extra)

I think smaller processor,

But as you're paying for the GX, you may as well use it and if it doesn't suit, spend the extra money later.

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geoaid avatar image geoaid kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you!!
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