Good day,
I was searching the the Forum but have not found the right answer yet.
My Customer id Off-the-Grid and has 3 MultiPlus-II 24/5000 installed together with a AC coupled Fronius Symo 8.2 and an Ohmpilot plus the Fronius SmartMeter which sit directly in front of the AC out of the three MultiPlus-II.
Now he want to do the same as me and install an EarthBattery using a second Fronius Symo with 10kW and a second Ohmpilot which should heat up a 600m3 EarthBattery.
Since 8,2kW + 10kW is 18,2kW he would exceed the 1:1 rule hence my question is:
Does someone know, how to configure the system, that in case the 2000l Boiler is hot and the first Ohmpilot shutdown and also the EarthBattery has reached 60degC and the second Ohmpilot reduce the Power that the three MultiPlus-II are not cooked?
AFAIK the two Fronius should limit the exported power to the MultiPlus-II by itself to 12kW max, but how to configure this?
If there is only one Fronius and one Ohmpilot plus the SmartMeter it is easily done in the Froniussystem by seting the Export to e.G. 4kW.
But with two Symo, two Ohmpilot and one SmartMeter it looks a little bit different.
Thankyou for your Help