
colart avatar image
colart asked

Raspberry Pi 4 not working

Hi all my raspberry Pi 4 was working, up until about a week ago was fine but then it stopped sending info to the VRM and I haven't been able to see anything on it since it was working 2.66 so I upgraded it but that's when I stopped seeing the Pi so I formatted the card thing that it maybe corrupted but still can't see it or connect to it via bluetooth. I have tried using Mac and pc but no luck do I have to get a new Pi? or do I have to do a factory reset on the Pi?

Venus OSRaspberry Pi
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·
Hi @colart

When you say formatted the card, you formatted and then reinstalled venus os yes?

Does the pi appear to boot/you can see lights on it. What do you see if you plug it into monitor during boot process?

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colart avatar image colart matt1309 commented ·
Yes sorry I installed with 3.31 but that didn't work so I tried 2.66 again knowing that that worked. The lights flash green blinking so It seems to be loading
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Al avatar image Al colart commented ·

You are probably probably already aware, but it needs reimageing from v2.66 to v3.31 not just using an update file, it's unclear which you did, but:

  • RaspberryPi3 updates from before to v2.70 to after v2.70 (due to fixes in wifi and bluetooth and more)
  • All pi models, running v2.86 or up to v2.90~10 to later: also requires reimaging, as noted in v2.90 (beta) release notes. Currently on in beta

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1 Answer
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

Please connect a serial console and see what is happening during boot. Post the boot sequence here and we can see what is causing you issues.

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