
tmheine avatar image
tmheine asked

Dynamic adjust of loading current

Hi, I want to adjust the loading current by an controller. Is there any way to do this.

MPPT Controllers
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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

This question is difficult to understand. What are you trying to achieve?
Please elaborate some more, tell us what equipment you have and what equipment you are trying to control.

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1 Answer
tmheine avatar image
tmheine answered ·


I habe an MPPT 100/20 48V.

With to usb adapter connectet tu an raspberry pi.

I read the Information of the charger by a Python script.

But for increase of self-consumption i want to control the load current.

Because the charger is powered by a 72V/13A Power supply.

Is there an chance to dynamically change the mppt settings?

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