
andy156 avatar image
andy156 asked

Not MCS certified

Why has Victron not chosen to certify their equipment to MCS standards? It makes it near impossible to get SEG payments in the UK.

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1 Answer
ramatt avatar image
ramatt answered ·

MCS product standards cover PV modules and PV mounting equipment, there is no MCS specific requirement for the other components in a typical Victron system (inverters, batteries etc).

The only products Victron make that would need to be MCS certified are their PV modules, but given they are not targeted at the residential market it's understandable they haven't gone through the process as it is a fairly significant undertaking (factory audits etc).

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andy156 avatar image andy156 commented ·
Ah, I thought the inverter had to be MCS certified as well. Thanks for your answer.
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gazza avatar image gazza andy156 commented ·

Check out this thread:-

The MCS certification is more about the "installer". You could approach an MCS certified installer and insist on a Victron inverter to be fitted? Or you could go down the self-install approach and join Octopus who do have a route for non-MCS systems that meet their criteria for feed-in payments?

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