
johanepos avatar image
johanepos asked

Will the ECCO W5110 battery work (communicate) with my Multiplus II

The battery description is as follows: Ecco 51.2v 100ah 5.12kWh Lithium Battery W51100 Wall-Mounted.

Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Officialy not, see:

But maybe someone with experience with these batteries can give you a better answer

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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

According to the company selling them (solarwarehousesa) they are compatible with Victron.

A lot of these type of batteries from companies no one has every heard, of tend to use a third party BMS, Pace being one of the most common. So they should pass enough information to the cerbo to enable correct operation (DVCC limits etc), but they may not pass as much additional info as some of the supported batteries do, such as highest/ lowest individual cell voltage etc.

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