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mallyl asked

Upgrade time

1000000420.jpg1000000418.jpgHi all, my first post to the hive mind!

We have purchased a Dutch barge built in 2005. It currently has 3 x phoenix multi + 24/2000/60 inverter/chargers. In addition to these is an 1100ah battery bank.

We have added 4 x 400w solar panels and a VE MPPT 150|60 tr solar controller , a cerbo gx and the touch screen.

I now wish to update the inverter chargers, so We have bought a quattro 24|5000|120 @ a ITR3600 115/230|32|16 Isolation transformer, as I wish these to be talking to the cerbo.

A chippy came on board and said, "good luck, he knew a chap who took out 3 inverter/chargers and things never worked again!"

My question is, is it simply a case of removing the 3 old units, and taking a single feed from the batteries to the new inverter charger and removing the other 2 feeds from the distribution box?

Thanks in advance


multiple inverters
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