
tabet avatar image
tabet asked

radiation sensor

hello, I have a question I'm connecting an irradiation and temperature sensor to my Ekrano gx my question is there any way to put the values on the main screen so I can see them without going through the menu?

ekrano gx
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1 Answer
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·


Modify the files from /opt/victronenergy/gui/qml folder, inside the Ekrano OS.


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tabet avatar image tabet commented ·
can you help me please how to do it I didn't understand
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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru tabet commented ·

It's not quite simple and you need to have some understanding of Linux internals and a little bit of programming.

You can access the Linux file system by using the WinSCP utility (from internet) and once you have root access to the Linux filesystem, you can go the the indicated folder and there you can see the Ekrano display layout based on a mix of QML (Qt) and Javascript.

By modifying it you can obtain what you want.

Also you can look on the following repository on the GitHub to have an idea of what is needed.

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tabet avatar image tabet Alex Pescaru commented ·
thank you for your help
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Related Resources

Ekrano GX product page.

Ekrano GX online manual

Ekrano GX datasheet

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic