
sphereza avatar image
sphereza asked

Phoenix 12/800 mains to battery switching

Hi all,

I have the Phoenix 12/800 VE.Direct and smart charger 12/20 with the bluetooth dongle and ive noticed over the last 9 days that the batteries have cycled over 35 times. ( running off 2x 180ah gel batteries for my gaming pc )

Is there a way to configure the inverter to use mains first then battery when mains fail ?

chargerPhoenix InverterVE.Direct Bluetooth Smart Dongle
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Correct me if i ma wrong here but the phoenix 12/800 ve direct model does not have a mains connection?

Can you share what else is in your system? How are you charging your batteries currently? How do you know the cycles - a smart shunt?

I have an ip65 car charger (charging from mains) on mine as well as solar.

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sphereza avatar image
sphereza answered ·

@Alexandra I have the IP22 12/20 smart charger.

After a whole bunch of googling i found that i need to upgrade to the multiplus 12/800 if i want mains passthrough/UPS and the battery to kick in when mains fail or trip. :(

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Related Resources

Phoenix Inverter product page

Phoenix Inverter Smart product page


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