
peter-ehry avatar image
peter-ehry asked

Unable to load GUI mods

I am unable to install GUI mods. Followed the instructions, but Cerbo does not load GUI mods.

The display shows "no package"

How can I fix this?img-2352.jpeg

gui mods
img-2352.jpeg (4.1 MiB)
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5 Answers
mjs500 avatar image
mjs500 answered ·

witch venos software vision are you running ? as may be gui mods are not update with late is Venos OS

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peter-ehry avatar image
peter-ehry answered ·

It‘s the latest firmware version, updated it just before attempting to install GUI mods.

It seems that the GUI mods package is empty

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Do you have automatic downloads and installs both enabled?

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peter-ehry avatar image
peter-ehry answered ·

Thank you both, after trying different changes the GUI mods sudddenly appeared.

I don‘t know what the reason was, but I am happy now.

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daniel20222 avatar image
daniel20222 answered ·

Hallo zusammen

ich habe das Problem das beim Update vom Setup 6.4 auf 8.5 immer steht das es inkompatibl ist.

Anderes kann ich installieren.

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