
nlelias avatar image
nlelias asked

ESS Mode 3 interval

Today I reconfigured my multiplus-ii 48/5000 (230v) with also an updated version of the ESS assistant.

To my knowledge, I had to set the power setpoint for ESS mode 3 (external control) once per minute. I was updating my setpoint every 20 seconds (through MQTT) . After the update the setpoint only seems to stick around for 10 seconds before the system goes into passthru mode.

These registers must be written once every 60 seconds, or the Multi will go into Passthru.

I don't see any other reason for the system to go into passthru (i.e. battery voltage, LOM)

I have configured the system with a 2 wire BMS (NO on aux1 for allow discharge, NC on aux2 for allow charge).

I have tried updating various settings (such as enabling and disabling the battery monitor, reconfiguring the assistant), updating the multiplus to firmware 510, but it still seems to reset after about 10 seconds, instead of my (prevoiusly familiar) 60 seconds.

When I update the set-point more rapidly the inverter keeps running without any issues.

Is this expected or is my system misbehaving?

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1 Answer
korben avatar image
korben answered ·

Same observation.
update ESS assist and hit with this 10s (instead of documented 60s) update set point interval.

Very obvios that Victronenergy changed that and they don't bother to update docs.

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