
jkb avatar image
jkb asked

Charge completely empty Lfp4 battery

question: if the Lfp4 battery is completely empty and has been switched off by the BMS, will charging be possible with the dynamo and the Orion TR Smart DC-DC charger?

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3 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

In general, unless the charger says it will charge a battery in this state, it's not possible without some tricks. The Orions won't do it directly.

One trick I've heard is to connect another battery in parallel, then start charging. Once charging starts, and the BMS is happy, you can disconnect the other battery. But... This is not something I've done and I'd suggest you should do more research first.

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eliott avatar image eliott commented ·
I wouldn't do this because the charger might be too fast. There is a reason why the system does not allow normal charging.

The best thing to do is to give the battery to lithium specialists who can trickle charge in a location where there is no fire hazard and can test the cells afterwards to make sure that they are safe
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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Consult your battery manual.

It should have a BMS wake up procedure.

Most of the time of a charge source is connected it does wake up. An IP65 works for this.

For some they recommend the jump start from another battery as @kevgermany suggested. I have a brand that says I can in its manual. But do your research first.

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jkb avatar image
jkb answered ·

Thanks for your answers. I have a Victron blue smart charger and imknow that does work. The only question was charge with the Orion DC-DC charger. I understand this do not work.

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