
Xavi Vives avatar image
Xavi Vives asked

High voltage drop and load output delay algorithm too slow


My system:
- 2x 460w 24v solar panels connected in serie
- Smart MPPT 100 | 20 charger controller
- 2x 12v AGM 172AH AGM batteries connected in serie
- Twinpower TWP 1200w 24v inverter (very old) connected to the battery.
- I have two AC circuits connected to the inverter.
- Circuit A runs most lights and sockets normally
- Circuit B is on only when there is enough battery.
- A relay connected to the load output switches on Circuit B coming from the inverter.

This system feeds a small off-grid house. I use Circuit B to charge power tool batteries and run pumps when the battery is full. Its load is never above 200w. It works just fine. I'm using the following load output configuration on the MPPT.

User def. algorithm 1: (off < 26.00V, on > 27.50V)

I recently acquired an electric unicycle that I want to charge connecting it to Circuit B. I have the following problem (if I'm understanding it correctly)

The charger draws about 600w which unless there is an equivalent power coming from the panels creates a huge voltage drop. Because the User def. algorithm load output takes 2 min two react, the voltage keeps dropping until the inverter switches off.

As far as I can tell the following will be potential solutions:
- Use a different algorithm, with a much shorter activation delay. This will switch open the circuit when the voltage drops enough but before the Inverter switches off. I don't think is possible with the current firmware. Shouldn't the time delay be an configurable? (there is a request already)
- Trigger the relay based on solar power (+600w) instead of battery voltage. No idea how.
- Get a less powerful charger (I really will prefer to not go that way).
- Increase my battery system (Not an option for now)

Am I reading this correctly? Can I use a different configuration? Any workarounds?

Thanks you :)

MPPT SmartSolar
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·
@Xavi Vives Do you have devices connected to the MPPT load output?
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Xavi Vives avatar image Xavi Vives ejrossouw commented ·
Hey @ejrossouw .

The only thing connected to the MPPT load ouput is the solid state relay commuting Circuit B. All the devices draw from the inverter that is directly connected to the battery.
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@Xavi Vives The charger draws about 600w which unless there is an equivalent power coming from the panels creates a huge voltage drop. Because the User def. algorithm load output takes 2 min two react, the voltage keeps dropping until the inverter switches off.

Confirm that your battery voltage drops below the inverters LVCO with a 600w (25a) load in 2 minutes.

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