Prior to purchasing the Blue-Smart IP65 12/15 product I tested the operation that I was interested in with the Demo mode product that is supplied in the Android application. I wanted to use the Power Supply mode set to between 12V and 12.5V to provide a lower battery limit to a battery bank that is normally topped up daily with a solar charge controller but on longer periods without sun I needed a AC backup to limit minimum battery voltage. The Demo allows me to set the voltage as low as 12.0V.
I recently purchased the product and when I went to set the actual product it limits minimum Power Supply voltage to 12.8V. Has anyone else run into this and did you find a work around. Is this a software/application bug?
I tried one work around of using the Demo mode to create a configuration file with 12.0V in the setting but the real product claims that the saved file is not for the IP65 product, so did not work.
Any help here would be appreciated,