Hello, First of all, thank you to anyone reading in to this!
For context, this is my setup:
This has been running for weeks now. I was not yet finished with the configuration.
The main thing that worked was Solar power being generated and send to the Grid.
This was 3 days ago, a fairly sunny day. Having power peaks of 2.5 kWh from solar
So far, so good.
Yesterday I had a frend with more Victron knowledge then me and we went through the setup togeather. And we foud a few 'errors' that we corrected. I will try to sum them up;
1. The Carlo Gavazzi was not yet connected via TCP Modbus, we added this in the Venus GX
2. The Venus GX was not yet monitoring the battery correct, so we corrected that:
3. I ran a Firmware update on the Venus GX. I failed to note the old firmware but I think it was as old as early 2023. We updated to the latest version
Now the problem we both cannot get our heads arrond:
Today, all day long, the setup has been producing ~200 to ~300 watt and is trying to keep L1 at abount 0 Amps.
Show here, you can se my RS 48/6000/100 is producing 268 watt and feeding this back to L1.
What I expected it to do was more like it used to be in the past (like 3 days ago).
Whenever the sun is shining, It sould be 'pushing out' all it's solar power to L1.
So my theory is that either 1 of the 3 following changes altered the working of the setup:
1. Carlo Gavazzi Grid monitor enabled
2. BMS battery monitoring enabled
3. Firmware update of the GX
I tried to ''fix" it by reversing my changes. So I removed the Carlo Gavazzi Grid monitor from the modbusTCP, rebooted the Venus GX but to no success.
Then I removed my BMS monitoring, but also no success.
Now I considder running an older firmware for the GX, but I feel like I am missing out on some thing very obvious here...
Any suggestions would be very welkom, and again thanks for sharing your thoughts!