
sgrigor1 avatar image
sgrigor1 asked

Dynamic ESS - target SOC

Hi, I enabled Dynamic ESS and it works ok during the day, it is trying to keep the battery SoC to 100%. But this target remainng during the night and for next day even that the forecast indicates a lot of Sunny. So, in the next day I lost the PV power becasue the battery si already full. Ofcourse, my load during the evening and night is from grid. What is wrong in my config.

Bellow is the chart for tomorrow forecast:


These are my Dynamic ESS configs;


ESSSOCdynamic ess
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

in your cerbo GX under setting scroll down to ESS and reduce the SOC to say 30% or what ever figure you feel conformable with

currently you are telling the system to keep the batteries at 100$

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