
klaus78 avatar image
klaus78 asked

Low Battery alarm with new firmware (MP2)

After upgrading to the latest firmware I got several low battery alarms.


The voltage seems to be ok (3.12V):


The new ESS assistant is set to LiFePo4 with the default values:



The alarm does not come from the BMS.

What's going wrong here?

Multiplus-II48v batteryalarm
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

ESS should not be configured with defaults, they need customising for your battery.

You also need to look at the total battery voltage reported by the multi, not the BMS cell voltages.

It helps to check ccl and dcl as well on the bms.

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klaus78 avatar image
klaus78 answered ·

Battery voltage was 51.07V at 23:12.

I will change the cut-off voltages for 0.005C to 50.1V and see what happened.

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