
adventuress avatar image
adventuress asked

SmartShunt not Showing up in VRM

I have a smart shunt correctly connected on the negative 12v to my wind generator. In the app it’s configured as a DC Energy Meter or the type Wind Generator. It shows up in CerboGX device list with proper readings.

How do I get it to show up in the VRM interface? Do I have to change it to PV meter?

It’s on the network and showing data.

Is there an alternative interface that I can use to customize my screens so they display information correctly?

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4 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

How have you connected it to the cerbo? Via vedirect? (bluetooth is not supported).

Does it appear on the device list of the GX and VRM?

You will need to chart it via advanced widgets in VRM, aiui it won't appear on the dashboard if there is no inverter present.

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blindbadger avatar image
blindbadger answered ·

In the Cerbo, check under Settings > System Setup > Battery Measurements and make sure your shunt is set to "Visible". That will give you the output number for it on VRM. Not sure how you would get it on the animated graphic if that's what you're wanting.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Only as "PV meter" it's shown on the VRM dashboard.

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bierchen avatar image
bierchen answered ·

Any indications when there will be a tile for Alternator or Battery Charger to complete the VRM integration?

As it is only Software, this cannot be too complicated and the functionality is already there. From my posts you will know that i am using a Sterling A2B with smartshunt configured as solar charger with zero problems - but its just hard to understand why victron is dragging that lack of integration for years.

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