
eleusis avatar image
eleusis asked

MPPT tr 450/100 vs 450/200 noise levels

As these will be close to a living area id like the quietest possible system. Can someone tell me is there any noise difference between these 2?

At full solar output would 1 x 450/200 be louder or quieter than 2 x 450/100?

logically it would seem to make sense that a single 450/200 would be louder. but hopefully someone can answer this.

Pricewise it doesnt make much difference and space to go 2 x 100. This question is just about noise levels

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
eleusis avatar image
eleusis answered ·

The fact that I couldnt find a single article or video online saying there was anything noisy about the 450/200 I decided to just go with that instead of 2 x 450/100

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