
ipman avatar image
ipman asked

Multi RS Smart 48/6000VA FW 1.16

ESS mode "Optimized with Batterylife" is no longer working after Firmware update to 1.16. Did anybody experience the same issue? Is it possible to downgrade the FW manual?

Multi RS
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Yes, old versions are on the site.

Maybe explain your problem in more detail.

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ipman avatar image ipman commented ·

In victron connect on settings, you can select via ESS Mode which mode you prefer. The mode 'Optimized with Batterylife' was not working as it was before, it was rather working as 'Optimized without Batterylife.' Which means, AC does not connect at the adjusted parameter.

Anyway, Just realized today, it seems it works, when the load is higher than 4000W. But it does not switch back to battery when the load drops. I just made some AC connect adjustments and will monitor it.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·
AC Input Control (with its options) is one thing, ESS (with its options) is another thing.

You just need to be very careful when you combine these two, because not always they work very well together...

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ipman avatar image ipman commented ·

I used this option not always, just on cloudy / misty days, and it worked well for me. The Inverter managed the incoming solar power and switched AC input in addition, when the load is higher than the Solar power or the batteries-voltage drops under a certain threshold. Now, I have to keep an eye on the system, switching manual from Solar+Battery to AC input. It sucks.

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