
monoor avatar image
monoor asked

i have different pv strings

I have 12 strings 2-18 panels


4-14 panels

How i can divide this string in 10 Mppt with 20 input 100kw inverter and every panels 590w

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4 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

This does not make a lot of sense.

Please use the MPPT calculator.

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monoor avatar image monoor commented ·
I have 4 tables of panels

First One 50 panels

Second 50 panels

Third 44 panels

Fourth 44 panels

The range of panels per string after calculation (14-18) how i can divide this panels on string if i have inverter on grid with 10 mppt every mppt have 2 input help me please

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regman54 avatar image regman54 monoor commented ·
That still doesn't make any sense. Try using the link that was provided to you.
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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack monoor commented ·


you wrote: range of panels per string after calculation (14-18)

But not even the RS450/200 can support this.

Solarpanes with 590Wp have usually a Vmpp of 44-48V and a Voc of over 50V.

If you get never MINUS temperatures in your place, then you may have 8-9 Solarpanels in series before cooking your MPPT.

The RS450/200 has two trackers and you can put two strings of 8 panels 4,7kWp on it and two strings per RS450/200.

How do you handle 2000A charging current?

If you do not even know, how to split a GTI system into a DC coupled system, I dubt you can handle this project.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Which Victron Inverter do you use?

Quattro, MultiPlus, 10kVA, 15kVA?

Singel phase (120/240V), split phase or tree phase (400V)

How many in parallel?

To handle 100kWp of Solarpanels you would need 9 Quatro Inverter Star/Parallel (=400V 3-Phase, with 104kW/135kVA)

What kind of Batteries do you use?

Whit 100kWp of Solarpanels you would need at least 300kWh of Batteries, speak 6000Ah.

It make really no sense to put 10 MPPTs there to charge the Batteries, because the power losses over the cables are enorm, except if you install VERY big over dimensioned cables, but this will hit your financial resources.

Better use the existing GTIs and use an AC coupled system

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monoor avatar image
monoor answered ·

There's no battery my system on grid and the inverter 100kw

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mjs500 avatar image mjs500 commented ·
As all victron system require battery and your system sounds like a grid tied non victron set up, from your very vague understanding DIY is not your way to go for your and everyone's safety

I recommend that you use solar installer to carry out survey in your setup ! and sort out your needs

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·


it's hard to help you out without specifications on your setup ...

also it looks like you dont have any victron equipment if i read your posted information...

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