I have an Easysolar 2 GX 48/5000. I was under the impression that BMS-CAN was the port I would use to communicate with my Seplos V3 bms. The manual for the Victron shows ports labelled BMS-CAN. On the actual unit I was surprised to see 2 ports labelled VE.BUS and 2 labelled VE.CAN. There doesn't appear to be a BMS.CAN port as referenced in guides and the manual itself.
Could anybody advise me why this is and what I should do? I think that VE.CAN is a proprietary implementation of canbus but I am assuming one of the ports can, by settings or by default, function the same way as the BMS-CAN port I expected to see?
I also wonder whether one of the Victron cables (a or b) will suit this application without mofification or should I just make one up myself? Thank you.