
roblatour avatar image
roblatour asked

Adding an icon to the Remote Console on LAN

I'm running Venus on a RPi and noticed that Remote Console on LAN (i.e. the browser window you get when you bring up venus.local in your web browser) does not have default icon.

As a result when you view that page, or if you have a shortcut in your favourites list, you will see a broken icon link) rather than a more helpful identifying icon.

Here is what I did to resolve:

Step 1:

Created my own icon; for this I used and download it; it is a little picture of the sun. The file is called favicon.ico and is included in the attached .zip file if you want to use it.

Alternatively, you can use Victron's icon; you can download it from here:

Step 2:

SFTP into venus.local using FileZilla ( ).

For this I used the user id: root and my password.

Step 3:

Navigated to the directory


and created a new directory under it called


Step 4:

Copied the file favicon.ico (created in Step 1 above) into the folder /var/www/venus/images

Step 5:

Download the file


Step 6:

edited the index.php file index.php to contain the line:

<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="images/favicon.ico">

directly under the existing line:

<title>Remote Console on LAN</title>


and saved the change.

Step 7:

uploaded the file index.php into /var/www/venus/ replacing the existing index.php file

That's it - here are the results:


(I've added an issue on Github for this: )

Venus OS
ss1.jpg (270.7 KiB)
ss2.jpg (95.6 KiB) (292 B)
2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

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