
jojogomez avatar image
jojogomez asked

Mqtt set will be override by GX Device

Hello, I switched all Node red configurations from the GX device to a Rasperry 5. In most tasks no problem. I replace all internal Victron Icons with Mqtt get Icons. My dashbord ist working fine.

Now my Problem. If i push a value via mqtt to the device (for example to the Victron EV Charger) (Value Mode from 0=mauell to 1=Auto) it woks. But after round about 6 -10 seconds the old value come up again. I expect that the vrm will do this but i´m not aware of this. fact is the value switch back and i have no idea why. Same with max Charge (A) current.

Anybody an idea what I must do that mqtt value set will be the master?

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1 Answer
bbsmile avatar image
bbsmile answered ·

Same problem here, my search continues...

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