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seadog asked

orion tr smart 12/24

orion tr smart non isolated 12/24 charging 4 bank bowthruster batts. From alternator ,No matter what i set the bulk,float charge to my batteries are reading 31.00 or 15.5 per battery during charge. This while the app shows only correct volts . max volt charge for these agms are 15 volt which i would rather not push to. Test meter on other batts and reads fine...Any help please.

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
blindbadger avatar image
blindbadger answered ·

Your alternator will put out a voltage on the line to your Orion input and it will likely be higher than your battery's voltage if you measure it when the alternator is off.

The batteries you're charging though, are they all pretty close to each other on voltage/balanced?

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seadog avatar image
seadog answered ·

Thank you for quick answer, more input 4 brand new agm 12v batts, all installed after at home charge. In series and parallel , When charging ,voltage at the battery terminals are batt 1 15.5 volts batt 2 15.5v batt 3 12.5v batt 4 18.00v the app just shows what should be correct voltage happening. Tested meter on other batts and works fine. The charging feed positive is on batt 1 the negative is on batt 4. Tried disconnedting the neg from orion to ground but then nothing works. Wiring matches victrom schematic for non isolated unit ....What am i missing????

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Please post a photo of the battery wiring and say which battery is which in the pic.
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