
erdanieee avatar image
erdanieee asked

Cerbo don't reconnect to VRM after a temporary internet connection lost

System: Multiplus II (ESS PV ac coupling) + Cerbo v3.30 wireless connected to the router

Test: after rebooting the router, the cerbo is not able to send logs to VRM portal

Fixing: Rebooting the cerbo solve the problem. Connecting to the cerbo using VictronConnect also solve the problem.

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

This is unfortunately a feature of the GX. It has got a lot better lately but can also be influenced by your equipment at home.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It is why there is an option to have the Cerbo reboot on no contact in the VRM portal menu.

So the problem already has a solution that will auto recover the connection.

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