
yvond avatar image
yvond asked

confirmation schémas câblage ET112


Qui pourrait me confirmer que le câble est bon? SVP.........couplage AC OFF GRID.

sans fusible sur le neutre ou avec? (notice du ET112)couplageac-solis.pngcouplageac-solis.pngcouplageac-solis.png(143.1 KiB)

et112 pv readings
couplageac-solis.png (143.1 KiB)
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4 Answers
sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

No. I have not got one and I have not seen them in any published schematics. I do not think any additional protection is necessary here.

Also you asked about the RJ45 sockets on the ET112. If I remember correctly these are simply an alternative to the screw terminal connections, they are not a network connection.

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

I have exactly the same arrangement with 4kW of Steca inverters. Works fine.

No fuse for the ET112 as I consider the 20A circuit breaker is small enough to provide reasonable protection in the case of an internal fault.

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yvond avatar image
yvond answered ·

bonjour et merci de votre réponse.

donc, pas besoin de mettre un autre disjoncteur de protection entre le Solis et le ET112?

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yvond avatar image
yvond answered ·

bonjour et merci pour les réponses Sharpener.

Je vais donc câbler comme sur le schémas.

bonne journée.

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