
papageo10 avatar image
papageo10 asked

VE.BUS State changes continuously

Hi, I have some concerns about power quality when the generator is on.

The generator is manually turn on every night for about 20 minutes. As you can see from the picture attached the inverter VE.BUS State changes continuously and the output power and current are fluctuating.

My load is very stable (300W). It is very important to have a good power quality for my loads.

Because of fluctuating VE.BUS states the generator does not automatically stop with VS setting.


victron-portal.png (340.6 KiB)
settings.txt (1.6 KiB)
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Papa. I'm not very familiar with VS, so guessing somewhat. Try turning it off and see if things steady up. The settings in there puzzle me, and may well be the cause of your issue.

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