
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru asked

VictronConnect - problem when setting parameters remote (through VRM)

Hello developers,

As per title...

1. Connect to the Multi RS with VictronConnect, but not locally through bluetooth, but through Internet - VRM tab.

2. Select Cerbo, then Devices tab and next the Multi RS.
3. Select Settings (cogwheel upper right) after it's finished loading settings.
4. Select Battery section
5. All settings are shown properly, but after 2-3 seconds, the "Low Battery restart & alarm" changes from the correct set value into 1.00 volts right before user's eyes, without touching anything.

Take note that you must be quick, otherwise you'll see only the final result, that 1.00V.

Additional info, after additional testing...
When setting a new value in "Low battery shutdown" the program, remotely through Cerbo, also sets a new value to the "Low battery restart & alarm". Only that it's with 0.1 volts higher...

Again: This is valid for setting things through Internet / VRM. Through Bluetooth it seems OK, but maybe will not hurt to check...

See below what I mean.

Thank you for listening!



VictronConnectbug reportMulti RS
change.jpg (70.5 KiB)
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1 Answer
Martin (Victron Energy) avatar image
Martin (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @Alex Pescaru, this is a known conflict with VenusOS and VictronConnect. It will be fixed in the coming release of v3.30. If you cannot wait, you can update to the latest beta, see here.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·
Corrected now on 3.30 version.

Thank you!


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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Hi @Martin (Victron Energy)

Thank you for responding and confirming.

I just wanted for you to be aware of it, because I want to help as much as possible.

Sorry if I was/am sometimes too aggressive, but as much as possible known reports also means a perfect product as soon as possible. A win/win situation for all of us. :-))

It's not a problem for me, because I, for one, prefer to change settings at the CAN bus level through equipment registers. It's much quicker for me this way and this is how I've seen those conflicts.

Thanks again,


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Related Resources

VictronConnect Manual

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Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Mutli RS Solar Datasheet

Mutli RS Manual